2023 Assembly Resolutions RES 23-01 Major School Maintenance Resolution RES 23-02 Legislative Priorities Resolution RES 23-03 Capital Requests Resolution RES 23-04 State Homeland Security Grant Program Application RES 23-05 Public Assistance Funds Application RES 23-06 Federal Priorities Resolution RES 23-07 Support an increase to the State Base Student Allocation RES 23-08 Support Healy Spur Road Project & Matching Funds RES 23-09 EPA Solid Waste Recycling Infrastructure Grant Application RES 23-10 Unincorporated Communities participation in Community Assistance RES 23-11 Permanent Investment Fund Asset Allocation RES 23-12 Otto Lake Road Rehabilitation grant application RES 23-13 Healy area pedestrian paths grant application RES 23-14 Suntrana Road to Antler Ridge pedestrian paths grant application RES 23-15 Railroad realignment grant application RES 23-16 Congressionally Designated Spending Fiscal Year 2024 Request RES 23-17 Commendation to TVS Basketball team RES 23-18 Acceptance of Zero Landfill Initiative Funds RES 23-19 Street Sign Procurement Contract Award RES 23-20 Street Sign Installation Contract Award RES 23-21 Participation in AMLJIA Loss Control Incentive Program RES 23-22 Acceptance of FY23 Congressionally Directed Spending Funds RES 23-23: Request to ICHC for Public Outreach (POSTPONED INDEFINATELY) RES 23-24 Records management schedule of disposal RES 23-25 FY 2025 Legislative Requests RES 23-26 Update Check Signers RES 23-27 Appreciation for Assembly Member Tallon Shreeve RES 23-28 Appreciation for Assembly Member Joe Chatfield RES 23-29 Appreciation for Assembly Member Lisa Miner RES 23-30 Appreciation for Assembly Member Jeff Stenger RES 23-31 Updated Appreciation for Mayor Clay Walker RES 23-32 Support an increase to the base student allocation RES 23-33 FY25 Legislative Priorities RES 23-34 Major School Maintenance Resolution