1993 Resolutions
Resolution 93-01 - Adopted 02/14/93
A resolution in support of the Tri-Valley Student Council and their endeavors to host the 1993 Spring AASG Conference.
Resolution 93-02 - Adopted 02/14/93
A resolution endorsing the creation of a railroad/utility corridor for the Denali National Park access.
Resolution 93-03 - Adopted 03/14/93
A resolution supporting Denali Borough School District Capital Construction Funding Request.
Resolution 93-04 - Vetoed 04/29/93
A resolution determining the total amount of funding to be made available from Denali Borough sources for school purposes in accordance with Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 30, Section 9.
Resolution 93-05 - Adopted 04/29/93
A resolution determining the total amount of funding to be made avilable from Denali Borough funding sources for school purposes in accordance with Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 30, Section 9.
Resolution 93-06 - Adopted 06/13/93
A resolution authorizing the Denali Borough Mayor to initiate the adopted budget amendments conerning personnel pay raises and increased levels of responsibility.
Resolution 93-07 - Adopted 07/11/93
A resolution to authorize the execution of a cooperative participation agreement among Alaska municipalities and School Districts creating the Alaska Municipal League Joint Insurance Agreement.
Resolution 93-08 - Adopted 08/08/93
A resolution extending appreciation and thanks to Rick S. Brewer for the time and energy he dedicated to the Denali Borough.
Resolution 93-09 - Adopted 08/08/93
A resolution to reappoint check signers to the borough accounts held at the National Bank of Alaska.
Resolution 93-10 - Adopted 08/08/93
A resolution requesting Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) to continue operating the 911 Emergency Services dispatch for the Healy area.
Resolution 93-11 - Adopted 09/12/93
A resolution to authorize participation in the distribution of funds known as the Cigarette Tax Fund.
Resolution 93-12 - Adopted 10/10/93
A resolution in support of lowering the speed limit from 55 mph to 45 mph on the George Parks Highway through Healy, Alaska.
Resolution 93-13 - Adopted 10/10/93
A resolution stating the borough assembly's position on the National Park Service draft South Slope Development Concept Plan and Enviromental Impact Statement.
Resolution 93-14 - Adopted 10/10/93
A resolution authorizing the borough administration to negotiate custodial upkeep of the borough office.
Resolution 93-15 - Adopted 10/10/93
A resolution requesting municipal assistance from the State of Alaska.
Resolution 93-16 - Adopted 11/21/93
A resolution adopting the determination of population of the Denali Borough as of July 1, 1993.