1992 Resolutions

Resolution 92-01 - Adopted 06/14/92 A resolution establishing the actual date of assumption of educational powers.
Resolution 92-02 - Adopted 06/14/92 A resolution authorizing the Borough Mayor to open necessary bank accounts with the National Bank of Alaska and appoint check signers to the Local Emergency Plan Committee account.
Resolution 92-03 - Adopted 07/12/092 A resolution authorizing purchase and placement of Borough signs on highways indicating the Denali Borough boundaries.
Resolution 92-04 - Adopted 09/13/92 A resolution extending gratitude and recognition to Rick Weibel for his service as a Denali Borough Assembly Member.
Resolution 92-05 - Adopted 10/11/92 A resolution authorizing the Land Use Planning Committee to contract with a grant writer and apply for appropriate grants.
Resolution 92-06 - Adopted 10/11/92 A resolution requesting the Denali Borough Administration to apply for the ADEC Solid Waste Management Grant.
Resolution 92-07 - Adopted 11/15/92 A resolution requesting Municipal Assistance from the State of Alaska.
Resolution 92-08 - Adopted 11/15/92 A resolution extending appreciation and thanks to Dan Claspill for the time and dedication to the Denali Borough Assembly.
Resolution 92-09 - Adopted 11/15/92 A resolution supporting the creation of the North Railbelt Coalition for the purpose of the regional Economic Development.
Resolution 92-10 - Adopted 12/13/92 A resolution opposing the recommendation from the Department of Transportation regarding their 6-year plan.
Resolution 91-11 - Adopted 12/13/92 A resolution to reappoint check signers to the Borough accounts held at the National Bank of Alaska.
Resolution 92-12 - Adopted 12/13/92 A resolution of the Denali Borough authorizing participation in the Rural Development Assistance (RDA) Program.
Resolution 92-13 - Adopted 12/13/92 A resolution in support of the Healy Clean Coal Project.