2021 Resolutions RES 21-01 Legislative Priorities RES 21-02 Major School Maintenance Resolution RES 21-03 Emergency Operations Plan Update RES 21-04 Community Assistance RES 21-05 Supporting Antler Ridge Restroom Facility and Trail Maint RES 21-06 Permanent Investment Fund Asset Allocation RES 21-07 Matching Grant Recommendation RES 21-08 Nonprofit Grant Recommendation RES 21-09 Emergency Services and Public Safety Grant Recommendation RES 21-10 AMLJIA Loss Control Incentive RES 21-11 Check Signers RES 21-12 American Rescue Plan Funds RES 21-13 Healy Parcel Boundary Survey RES 21-15 Support ATI and Travel Alaska Program RES 21-16 Support NPS Nenana River Corridor Trail Planning RES 21-17 ARPA Local Govt Lost Revenue Relief Program