Parks Hwy- MP 231 Enhancement Project


Project Information Page:

DOT Project Engineer: Temple, Jacob -, (907) 451-5457

DOT Public Information Officers: Danielle Tessen -; Kaitlin Williams -


Construction Schedule

Spring - Summer 2023: May 11th - June 8th (anticipated timeframe) 

Beginning May 11th, work will resume at the MP 231 project. Expect pilot cars from 7 am - 7 pm (will extend later into the evening during paving operations).  

***There will be no work Memorial Weekend***


Project Funding

The project is funded with a combination of federal National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) and Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) funding. The DOT&PF is administering the project and holds the responsibility of design and construction.


Project Purpose

The purpose of this project is to enhance safety and accommodations for pedestrians, bicyclists, and visitors in the MP (231 McKinley Village) area.

The project is needed to improve safety and mobility for both motorized and non-motorized users in the Parks Highway MP 231 area.


Project Scope

This project will reconstruct the Parks Highway between MP 229.7 and 232.3, including:

  • Construction of a new Denali National Park & Preserve owned and maintained wayside.
  • Construction of new turn lanes for the wayside, the MP 231 intersection, and the Old Parks Highway intersection at MP 230.
  • Construction of new pedestrian facility connections under the Nenana river Bridge on both sides.
  • Trail connections and re-routing (Triple Lakes and Oxbow trails).