1997 Ordinances

Ordinance 97-01 - Passed 08/10/97 An ordinance amending Chapter 19 of the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, by adding Section 6, titled Capital Improvement Fund.
Ordinance 97-02 - Passed 05/18/97 An ordinance for the Denali Borough amending the budget for the fiscal year 1997.
Ordinance 97-03 - Passed 05/18/97 An ordinance for the Denali Borough providing for the establishment and adoption of the budget for the fiscal year 1998.
Ordinance 97-04 - Passed 05/18/97 An ordinance establishing the Denali Borough Capital Improvement Program for the fiscal year 1998 through fiscal year 2003.
Ordinance 97-05 - Passed 06/08/97 An ordinance amending Chapter 8 of the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances to change the order of business as listed on the agenda.
Ordinance 97-06 - Passed 11/09/97 An ordinance appropriating funds to the Denali Borough School District from the Major School Maintenance Reserve Fund in the amount $19,800.