1991 Ordinances

Ordinance 91-01 - Passed 10/13/91 An ordinance adopting the initial Code of Ordinances for the Denali Borough.
Ordinance 91-02 - Passed 03/10/91 An ordinance establishing a tax on the rental of overnight accommodations.
Ordinance 91-03 - Postponed Indefinetly An ordinance providing for contracts and purchasing procedures for the Denali Borough.
Ordinance 91-04 - Postponed Indefinetly An ordinance to allow the sale of alcoholice beverages on election day.
Ordinance 91-05 - Passed 04/27/91 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 91-02 and establishing procedures for the collection and enforcement of a tax on the rental of Overnight Accommodations.
Ordinance 91-06 - Passed 05/12/91 An ordinance for the Denali Borough providing for the establishment and adoption for the budget for fiscal year 1992.
Ordinance 91-07 - Passed 07/14/91 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 91-05 and establishing procedures for the payment of taxes due on the rental of overnight accommodations under contracts which existed prior to the formation of the Borough.
Ordinance 91-08 - Passed 09/08/91 An ordinance to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages on election day.
Ordinance 91-09 - Passed 11/17/91 An ordinance enacting procedures for processing initiative and referendum petitions.
Ordinance 91-10 - Passed 03/08/92 An ordinance providing for the distribution of available State shared revenues to communities within the Denali Borough.
Ordinance 91-11 - Passed 12/08/91 An ordinance amending election procedures to provide for majority elections, tie breakers, and time lines.
Ordinance 91-12 - Passed 12/08/91 An ordinance amending assembly meetings to provide for changes in the time, date, and location of regular assembly meetings.
Ordinance 91-13 - Passed 12/08/91 An ordinance amending ordinance format.
Ordinance 91-14 - Passed 02-09-92 An ordinance to provide for assumption of educational powers by the Denali Borough.