1992 Ordinances

Ordinance 92-01 - Passed 02/09/92 An ordinance amending Section 11.01 of Article XI of the Charter of the Denali Borough.
Ordinance 92-02 - Passed 09/13/92 An ordinance amending Section 9.17 of Article IX of the Charter of the Denali Borough concerning the Borough Permanent Investment Fund.
Ordinance 92-03 - Passed 03/08/92 An ordinance amending compensation of Assembly members.
Ordinance 92-04 - Passed 03/08/92 An ordinance amending Chapter 5, Section 2 of the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances.
Ordinance 92-05 - Passed 03/08/92 An ordinance to correct Chapter 66 of the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances.
Ordinance 92-06 - Passed 05/10/92 An ordinance for the Denali Borough providing for the establishment and adoption of the budget for the fiscal year 1993.
Ordinance 92-07 - Passed 06/14/92 An ordinance amending elections procedures to provide the canvass committee with coinciding reporting time dates.
Ordinance 92-08 - Postponed Indefinitely An ordinance amending Section 12.02 of Article XII (service areas) of the Charter of the Denali Borough.
Ordinance 92-09 - Passed 06/14/92 An ordinance amending the budget line litem expenditures for the fiscal year 1992.
Ordinance 92-10 - Passed 07/12/92 An ordinance amending Chapter 16, Section 2-C of the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances to clarify forward funding requirements.
Ordinance 92-11 - Passed 07/12/092 An ordinance amending Chapter 66, Section 5 of the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances to change time frames for the special elections.
Ordinance 92-12 - Postponed Indefinitely An ordinance providing for the establishment of service areas in the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances.
Ordinance 92-13 - Passed 09/13/92 An ordinance amending Chapter 8 of the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances to define the time limit an item can remain tabled before it lapses and is considered a dead issue.
Ordinance 92-14 - Passed 10/11/92 An ordinance to establish guidelines for the formation and function of Boards, Commisssions, and Committees.
Ordinance 92-15 - Passed 10/11/92 An ordinance amending Chapter 8, Section 4 of the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances to specify which edition of Robets Rules of Order governs the Denali Borough Assembly.
Ordinance 92-16 - Postponed Indefinitely An ordinance amending Chapter 30, Section 5 of the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances to clarify School Board Member qualifications.
Odinance 92-17 - Passed 01/10/93 An ordinance to provide for the formation of the Land Use Planning Committee.
Ordinance 92-18 - Passed 02/14/93 An ordinance to provide for the formation of the Finance Committee.
Ordinance 92-19 - Passed 01/10/93 An ordinance to provide for the formation of the Personnel Committee.
Ordinance 92-20 - Postponed Indefinitely An ordinance amending the fiscal year 1993 Denali Borough budget to provide for a funding grant to the Denali Emergency Medical Services.
Ordinace 92-21 An ordinance to provide for the initial funding of the Denali Borough's Permanent Investment Fund.