2006 Ordinances
Ordinance 06-01-Postponed Indefinitely
An ordinance providing for district formation and land use regulation.
Ordinance 06-02-Adopted 03/08/06
An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3.05 titled Budget Generally.
Ordinance 06-03 - Adopted 02/08/06
An ordinance amending DBC 2.25 Titled Borough Clerk/Treasurer and create chapter 2.26 Titled Borough Treasurer.
Ordinance 06-04 - Adopted 02/08/06
An ordinance amending DBC 2.15.030 Titled regular assembly meetings.
Ordinance 06-05- Adopted 03/08/06
An ordinance amending Chapter 3.21.030 titled Borough Matching Grant Program.
Ordinance 06-06-Adopted 03/08/06
An ordinance adding Chapter 5.50 titled Matching Grant Committee.
Ordinance 06-07 - Failed - 09/13/06
An ordinance adding DBC, Chapter 3.45, establishing a 2% general sales and services tax within the Denali Borough.
Ordinance 06-08-Postponed Indefinitely
An ordinance amending Chapter 3.20 titled Management of Funds amending 3.20.080 titled Capital Project Reserve Fund and providing for its funding.
Ordinance 06-09 - Failed - 07/12/06
An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3.25.020, to increase the amount of Overnight Accommodations Tax.
Ordinance 06-10-Failed 06-14-06
An ordinance adding subsection K to DBC 1.15.040 and subsection B8 to DBC 1.15.120 regarding fiscal notes.
Ordinance 06-11- Adopted 05/10/06
An ordinance amending Denali Borough Code 2.10.020 regarding the Mayor's Term Limit.
Ordinance 06-12- Adopted 05/10/06
An ordinance amending Denali Borough Code 2.05.010 titled Borough Assembly Composition.
Ordinance 06-13--Failed-09/13/06
An ordinance amending DB Code 2.15.303 titled Regular Assembly Meetings
Ordinance 06-14 - Postponed Indefinitely
An ordinance replacing Denali Borough Code 3.15 dealing with local option zoning.
Ordinance 06-15 - Adopted 05/10/06
An ordinance for the Denali Borough amending the Denali Borough budget for fiscal year 2006.
Ordinance 06-16 - Adopted 05/10/06
An ordinance for the Denali Borough providing for the establishment and adoption of the budget for the fiscal year 2007.
Ordinance 06-17 - Adopted 05/10/06
An ordinance establishing the Denali Borough Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for fiscal year 2007 through 2012.
Ordinance 06-18 Adopted 10/11/06
An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4.10 titled Management of Borough Real Property.
Ordinance 06-19-Adopted 09/13/06-goes to ballot
An ordinance amending Denali Borough Code, Chapter 2.05.050 titled Compensation of Assembly Members.
Ordinance 06-20 Adopted 10/11/06
An ordinance authorizing investment into the Alaska Municipal League Investment Pool (AMLIP).
Ordinance 06-21 Adopted 09/13/06
An ordinance amending Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3.15.020 pertaining to the annual financial statement and annual audit.
Ordinance 06-22 Adopted 09/13/06
An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances Chapter 5.30.010 pertaining to planning functions.
Ordinance 06-23 Adopted 09/13/06
An ordinance amending Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5.05 dealing with the Denali Borough School District and the assumption of Denali Borough education powers.
Ordinance 06-24 Adopted 09/13/06
An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances by amending Chapter 2.10.110 oertaining to the LEPC All-Hazards Plan.
Ordinance 06-25 Adopted 10/11/06
An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3.20.040, titled Investments.
Ordinance 06-26 Adopted 11/01/06
An ordinance adding Chapter 3.21.020K and 3.21.030 regarding the Denali Borough Matching Grants Program.
Ordinance 06-27 Adopted 11/01/06
An ordinance amending Denali Borough Code Chapter 5.50.010, 5.50.020 and 5.50.040 regarding the Matching Grant Committee.
Ordinance 06-28 - Adopted - 01-10-07
An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages on Election Day.
Ordinance 06-29 Adopted 01/10/07
An ordinance to rescind, Chapter 5.20 of the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances titled Land Use Planning Commission.