2009 Ordinances
Ordinance 09-01 - Adopted 02/11/09
An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Appendix of Forms, adding Form “W”, pertaining to the Denali Borough Disclosure Ordinance.
Ordinance 09-02 Failed Introduction
An ordinance directing the Denali Borough Administration to establish a hiring freeze on Municipal Employees.
Ordinance 09-03 - Adopted 05/13/09
An ordinance allocating funding for the design/development of a new landfill C&D Pit from within the current footprint.
Ordinance 09-04 - Adopted 02/16/09
An emergency ordinance providing for the Denali Borough Assembly to assume Ethics Commission powers by amending Denali Borough Code Chapter 5.40.
Ordinance 09-05 - Postponed Indefinetly
An ordinance amending Denali Borough Code of Ordinances Chapter 8.15.130 titled Rules for Counting Ballots.
Ordinance 09-06- Adopted 04/08/09
An emergency ordinance providing for the Denali Borough Assembly to assume Ethics Commission powers by amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances Chapter 5.40, Ethics Commission, Section 5.40.020.
Ordinance 09-07 - Adopted 05/13/09
An ordinance of the Denali Borough amending the Denali Borough budget for fiscal year 2009.
Ordinance 09-08 - Adopted 05/13/09
An ordinance for the establishment and adoption of the Denali Borough Budget for fiscal year 2010.
Ordinance 09-09 - Adopted 05/13/09
An ordinance establishing the Denali Borough Capital Improvement program for fiscal year 2010 through fiscal year 2015.
Ordinance 09-10 - Failed - 09/09/09
An ordinance to amend the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1.15 titled Ordinances – Resolutions – Regulations.
Ordinance 09-11 - Adopted 09/09/09
An ordinance to amend the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances Chapter 8.05.060 titled Election Notices.
Ordinance 09-12 - Adopted 09/09/09
An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5.25 titled Planning Commission.
Ordinance 09-13 - Failed Introduction
An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances creating Chapter 3.20.055 titled Municipal Land Management Fund.
Ordinance 09-14 - Adopted 11/11/09
An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4.05 titled Real Property Acquisition.