2014 Ordinances

Ordinance 14-01 - Adopted 02/12/14 An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2.40.060 titled Conflicts of Interest
Ordinance 14-02 - Postponed Indefinitely 02/12/14 An ordinance amending Section 4.07, Article IV of the Denali Borough Charter titled, Salary of the Mayor, and amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances 2.10.060, titled Compensation of the Mayor
Ordinance 14-03 - Adopted 05/14/14 An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Budget for Fiscal Year 2014
Ordinance 14-04 - Adopted 05/14/14 An ordinance for the Denali Borough to establish and adopt the budget for fiscal year 2015
Ordinance 14-05 - Adopted 05/14/14 An ordinance establishing the Denali Borough Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year 2015 through fiscal year 2020
Ordinance 14-06 Postponed Indefinitely 08/13/14 An ordinance amending Article XI of the Denali Borough Charter, titled taxation, Section 11.02, titled Tax Procedures and the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances by adding Chapter 3.50, establishing a 3% seasonal general sales and services tax within the Denali Borough
Ordinance 14-07 - Adopted 11/12/14 An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 9.10 titled Subdivisions
Ordinance 14-08 - Adopted 02/11/15 An ordinance creating Denali Borough Code of Ordinances Title 7, Business Licenses and Regulations and Creating Chapter 7.05, titled Liquor Licenses
Ordinance 14-09 - Adopted 10/08/14 : An ordinance appropriating up to $110,000 from the Solid Waste Equipment Reserve Fund
Ordinance 14-10 - Adopted 02/11/15 An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3.21 titled Management of Grants by adding Chapter 3.21.075 titled Municipal Assistance Program
Ordinance 14-11 - Adopted 11/12/14 An ordinance appropriating up to $11,200 from the General Fund for reimbursable expenditures related to state of Alaska Homeland Security Grant number 14SHSP-GR34094
Ordinance 14-12 - Adopted 11/12/14 An ordinance appropriating up to $11,779 from the General Fund for reimbursable expenditures related to Local Emergency Planning Committee Grant number 15LEPC-GR35602
Ordinance 14-13 - Adopted 11/12/14 An ordinance appropriating up to $24,000 from the General Fund for expenditures related to Emergency Management Performance Grant number 14EMPG-GR35586
Ordinance 14-14 - Failed Introduction 11/12/14 An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, Chapter 9.15 titled Zoning
Ordinance 14-15 - Postponed Indefinitely 02/11/15 An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, creating Chapter 9.21 titled Zoning Nenana River Scenic Corridor
Ordinance 14-16 - Postponed Indefinitely 02/11/15 An ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, creating Chapter 9.22 titled Zoning Airport Reserve District