Street Naming History

A 30-day commenting/review period was held between March 1st - 30th at which time the public was welcome to propose a new street name in their area of residence or business. The names on the street name maps were only place holders and the public was welcome to propose a new name.


Virtual Meetings were held to discuss the street naming proposal maps and the review the comments received during the March commenting period.  The virtual meetings were on and covered these areas:
Tuesday, April 6th , 2021: Cantwell, McKinley Village / Carlo Creek / Nenana Canyon
 Wednesday, April 7th , 2021: Healy / Ferry / June Creek / Rock Creek
Thursday, April 8th , 2021: Kobe Ag / Quota Subdivision / Anderson Subdivision /North 40 lots (everything North of Kobe Road and West of the Nenana River),Windy Hills Subdivision / Brown’s Court / Clear / Landfill Area


After the virtual meetings in April the assembly and planning commission decided they would like to review the street naming standards in code (chapter 9.12) to address the issues people brought forward during the meetings and by online comments.


The concerns addressed in code were to allow duplicate with the borough but not within EMS Ambulance service areas. To allow native names with traditional spellings.


In September the borough hosted open house meetings for people to come look at printed maps and ask any questions they would like in person. The maps showed new proposed names gathered from the April virtual meetings as well comments submitted throughout the summer. These changes also took into account the changes code language the Planning Commission and Assembly adopted allowing duplicates within the borough but not with EMS Ambulance service areas.



At their October 20th, 2021 regular meeting the planning commission passed a resolution adopting a list of streets names that where not proposed to change from when they were platted.


At their January 19th, 2022 regular meeting the planning commission passed a resolution adopting a list of streets names that were proposed for change from when they were platted and any unnamed streets needed to be named.

If you didn't make a new name suggestion, please look at the new name proposal list to see if you like one of the suggestions made.