2018 Resolutions

PC Resolution 18-01 Failed Replat by vacation of the public boat launch site between lots 4 and 5 of the Otto Lake Alaska, Subdivision. Located within Section 25, T12S, R8W, F.M.
PC Resolution 18-02 Preliminary plat approval - A subdivision of Tract A, ASLS 87-217 into 10 lots creating the Brannen Subdivision.
PC Resolution 18-03 Replat through vacation of the property lines between Tracts E-1D, E-1E, E-1F of the resubdivision of Tract E-1C, First Addition Healy Small Tracts Alaska Subdivision therefore creating Tract E-1G and by vacating the 20’ private access easement on the eastern property lines. Located within Section 13, T12S, R8W, F.M.
PC Resolution 18-04 Failed Replat by vacation of the private access easement within lots 12 and 13 of the Lignite Subdivision. Located within the NE ΒΌ Section 1, T12S, R8W, F.M.
PC Resolution 18-05 Boundary Survey ASLS 2013-13 Creating Utility Tracts A-N and the dedication of public easement, ADL 419216, for the of the Eva Creek Wind Farm Located within sections 3, 4, 10, 11, 14 and 15, T10S, R7W, F.M. Alaska.
PC Resolution 18-06 Replat by vacation of the private access easement within lot 12 of the Lignite subdivision located within the NE 1/4 Section 1, R8W, F.M.