Mayor's Community Service Award


What is the Mayor's Community Service Award?

Fill out your 2025 Nomination form today!!

Each year, the Denali Borough Mayor's Community Service Award is presented to a resident who has performed extraordinary volunteer service.

The Denali Borough has a strong and thriving sense of community and volunteerism. Many people volunteer their time and energies in ways which provide meaningful benefits to our communities. Through this annual award, the borough honors and celebrates this spirit of community generosity.

The nomination period typically opens from December to mid-January, with forms available on both the borough's website and at the borough office. A selection committee will evaluate the nominations and forward a recommendation to the Mayor.

The award is announced and presented at the annual Winterfest Community Dinner and Celebration at the Tri-Valley Community Center. The borough's legacy plaque hangs at the borough office.
 Past Winners:


2014 Dale and Marge Nord
2015 Barb Walters
2016 Karl Jewett
2017 Kris Capps
2018 Kay Hockin
2019 Amber Renshaw
2020 Dave DeCaro
2021 Vanessa Jusczak
2022 Eileen Holmes

Baxter and Renee Mercer


Megan Scoles