Minutes of Canvass Meeting
Denali Borough Canvass
Tri-Valley Community
February 22, 2002
TO Presiding Officer Jerry Mueller
called the Canvass
ORDER Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL Assembly members present included Jim Payne,
Teresa Hall, Gerald Pollock, Jim Caswell, Jerry Mueller, Carol Shields, Dave
Talerico and Sid Michaels. Assembly
member Teresa Usibelli was absent.
Presiding Officer
MUELLER reminded the Assembly that this is a meeting of the Canvass Committee,
and its their job to canvass the absentee and questioned ballots and present
the final numbers to the Assembly for certification.
AGENDA The agenda was approved as presented by
unanimous consent.
REVIEW The next agenda item was to review the
preliminary election results.
PRELIM. One copy of the results is mailed to
the Borough office and one copy
RESULTS is in the election binder. Both of these must be opened by the Canvass
Committee and reviewed. The Canvass
Committee reviewed both copies and verified that they match.
The preliminary results
were as follows: Proposition one: yes
272, no 215. Proposition three: yes 212, no 273. Proposition two: yes 274, no 212.
Proposition four: yes 199, no 286.
ABSENTEE The Canvass Committee, including the Borough
Clerk, Mayor Gonzales, and Administrative Clerk Amanda Nyberg reviewed the
absentee ballots. Absentee ballot
number six was not a registered voter in the Denali Borough. HALL MOVED to reject ballot number six. MICHAELS seconded, and the VOTE was
The remaining 26 ballots
were opened, placed in the ballot box, and the box was sufficiently shaken up
by MUELLER. The ballots were then
removed from the ballot box and tallied.
QUESTION The Canvass Committee, including the Borough
clerk, Mayor Gonzales, and Administrative Clerk Amanda Nyberg reviewed the
absentee ballots. HALL MOVED to reject
ballots 1,2,3,6,8,10,13, and 14 because they were not registered to vote in the
Borough, or had not met the 30-day registration requirement. MICHAELS seconded. The VOTE was unanimous.
The remaining eight
ballots were opened, placed in the ballot box, and the box was shaken and
stirred by MUELLER. The ballots were
then removed from the ballot box and tallied.
The final results were
as follows:
Proposition one: yes
287, no 234. Proposition three: yes 227, no 291. Proposition two: yes 289, no 231.
Proposition four: yes 214, no 304.
CANVASS In accordance with the Denali Borough Code
of Ordinance the
COMM. Canvass Committee will submit a
report of these findings. The Clerk
REPORT had the report for the Committees
perusal. The report will state the number of ballots cast including the number
of absentee and questioned ballots.
the Canvass Committee report with the final tallies. HALL seconded. The VOTE
was unanimous.
PUBLIC There were no public comments.
ADJOURN MUELLER adjourned the meeting at 7:21 p.m..
Canvass Committee Chairman
Borough Clerk
Date Approved: