of the Regular Meeting
Borough Assembly
17, 2002
ROLL CALL Discussion
began and MICHAELS suggested that the Clerk call the roll before approving the
agenda as suggested by USIBELLI.
Assembly members present were: Jim Caswell, Jerry Mueller, Teresa Hall,
Sid Michaels, Carol Shields, Teresa Usibelli, and Gerald Pollock.
MICHAELS MOVED to switch items 2 and 3 under B on the agenda, and CASWELL seconded. The VOTE was unanimous.
USIBELLI MOVED to add “outgoing assembly comments” as item 1. A. under C, and CASWELL seconded. The VOTE was unanimous.
MUELLER entertained a MOTION to accept Assembly member Talerico’s resignation with congratulations (he is now the Mayor) from Assembly Seat D. SHIELDS so MOVED and MICHAELS seconded. The VOTE was unanimous.
USIBELLI thanked the Administration for inviting her to attend the AML Conference in Valdez. She said she is now a member of the Fire Board. USIBELLI said it would be nice if the Assembly had totally its own Clerk so that person could help the Assembly members.
OATH OF OFFICE Mayor Talerico administered the oath of office to Jim Caswell, David Evans, Carol Shields, and Baxter Mercer.
ASSEMBLY SEAT CASWELL said the Mayor will offer a nominee and the Assembly will vote on that nominee.
Mayor Talerico said he has only been the Mayor for two weeks and at this time he does not have a recommendation for Assembly Seat G. He said he would have recommendation for Assembly Seat G and Assembly Seat D during the December meeting. He said he would like to allow time for himself and the newly elected assembly members to have more information before they vote on a nominee.
MERCER spoke in favor of voting on a nominee today.
SHELTON said he would prefer to wait until the next meeting to vote on a nominee.
Discussion followed and POLLOCK MOVED to wait until the next meeting to decide this issue, and EVANS seconded. The VOTE was 6-1 with MERCER opposed.
OFFICER officer pro-tem until next meeting, and SHIELDS seconded. The VOTE was unanimous.
AGENDA MICHAELS MOVED to add a representative from the National Park Service under Communication and Appearances to discuss Park issues. SHIELDS seconded. The agenda was approved as amended by unanimous consent.
PLANNING The Assembly discussed postponing the selection of
COMMISSION Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Planning commission until the next meeting.
SHIELDS nominated MICHAELS as the Chairman pro-tem until the next meeting, and POLLOCK seconded. The VOTE was 6 to 1, with MICHAELS opposed.
MICHAELS stated that DNR has remote parcels in the Wood River area, and they had come to the Borough in a big rush and asked the Assembly to approve right-of-way access across Borough land. He asked the Land Technician, Gail Pieknik is the office had heard from DOT, DNR, or the ARR. She said no.
MICHAELS entertained a MOTION to postpone this item until the next meeting. POLLOCK so MOVED and CASWELL seconded. The VOTE was unanimous.
Temporary Land Use Application Procedure.
MICHAELS stated this document was discussed during the work session, and it was suggested that this document be sent back to the LUPC to have them research the definition of “reasonable satisfaction” and the possibility of a waiver.
MICHAELS entertained a MOTION to send this document
back to the LUPC and have them offer up their suggestions to the proposed questions stated above. SHIELDS so MOVED, and CASWELL seconded.
LUPC member John Miner said the LUPC was also researching a definition for “exclusive and “non-exclusive” use. After minimal discussion MICHAELS entertained a MOTION to amend the motion to include sending the posed question, including the definition for “exclusive and “non-exclusive” use. SHIELDS so MOVED and CASWELL seconded. The VOTE on the amendment was unanimous.
The VOTE on the main motion as amended was unanimous.
MINUTES September 8, 2002, regular meeting, page 5, line 41: The Clerk said she listened to the tape and David Braun said, “home” not residence.
POLLOCK MOVED to change word resident to home, and MERCER seconded. The VOTE was 6-1, with CASWELL opposed.
Healy resident Dave Braun said in his opinion there were other errors in the minutes. He said one of those was when a Cantwell resident stated that Mr. Caswell had built a structure with a concrete foundation.
MICHAELS MOVED to approve the minutes of October 13, 2002 work session, public hearing, and regular meeting. MERCER seconded, and the VOTE was unanimous.
FINANCIAL RPT. CASWELL entertained a MOTION to receive the September
Financial Report. MICHAELS so MOVED, and POLLOCK seconded. The VOTE was unanimous.
MAYOR’S RPT. Mayor Talerico said his first week as Mayor was spent at an AML Conference. He said when he returned home he
had 64 messages on his answering machine. He thanked all the Assembly members he served with as an assembly member and said he looks forward to serving the community
further as Mayor. Mayor Talerico said he would be attending
the TRAAK Board meeting this Friday in Anchorage.
DBSD SUPT. Denali Borough School District Superintendent Bob Whicker
was in attendance and gave a brief overview of his written report. He said the District has 297 students, with 14 students receiving home school support. He said the District has been working on policy review. Whicker said Teresa Hall and Sid Michaels attended the policy review meeting.
Whicker said some ceiling tiles that came out of the gym in Cantwell and some books off of the shelf from the earthquake, but no major damage.
MEETINGS HALL said the Personnel Committee would meet on
December 9, 2002. She said the ethics ordinance would be discussed during that meeting.
COMMITTEE CASWELL suggested postponing this item until the next
SEAT APPTS. meeting, when all the seats on the Assembly will be filled.
MICHAELS MOVED to postpone the committee seat
appointments until next meeting, and SHIELDS seconded.
The VOTE was unanimous.
PUBLIC Healy resident John Miner said the agenda does not include
COMMENTS a resolution thanking Mayor Gonzales for his years of service. Miner also said the Borough will be administering a large amount of money for the NARS (Northern Access Reconnaissance Study) and he objects to the study having any wider scope than the Borough. He said this is not a significant issue for the residents of Anchorage or Fairbanks, but it IS a significant issue for the residents of the Borough.
Healy resident Wayne Valcq thanked Mayor Talerico for his support of their project to get electricity in the Rock Creek area. He invited the Mayor and any assembly member to the next GVEA Board meeting in Fairbanks on November 25, 2002. He thanked the previous members of the Assembly for their support, and asked the current assembly for a resolution of support for their project.
Healy resident David Braun said, in his opinion, the public comments section of the agenda should occur before the Assembly takes action on agenda items. He said a home rule Borough should abide by AS 29.20.020 and provide reasonable opportunity for the public to speak on issues on the agenda.
APPEARANCE Denali National Park representative Pat Welch was in attendance. She said she would be overseeing the Park Service North Access project. She stated that the park service has been directed to conduct a cooperative study with the State of Alaska to explore options fort eh location of trails, campgrounds, etc. along the Stampede Road alignment. She said they are referring to their study as a visitor facility study. She said they are also interested in tying in with the Denali Borough NARS (Northern Access Reconnaissance Study).
RESOLUTIONS 1.) A resolution thanking Teresa Chepoda Usibelli for her years of service on the Denali Borough Assembly.
MICHAELS read the resolution.
MOVED to adopt the proposed resolution, and POLLOCK seconded. The Roll Call VOTE was unanimous. This will be resolution 02-13.
2.) A resolution thanking Jim Payne for his years of service on the Denali Borough Assembly.
read the resolution.
MOVED to adopt, and SHIELDS seconded.
The Roll Call VOTE was unanimous.
This will be resolution 02-14.
3.) A resolution thanking Jerry Mueller for his years of service on the Denali Borough Assembly.
read the next resolution.
resident John Winklmann said that Assembly member Hall did not have a
resolution thanking her as well.
MOVED to adopt this resolution, and MERCER seconded. The Roll Call VOTE was unanimous. This will be Resolution 02-15.
4.) A resolution to reappoint check signers to
the Borough accounts held at Wells Fargo.
Talerico said the name Teresa Hall should be removed as a check signer as she
is no longer an Assembly member.
Roll Call VOTE was unanimous. This will
be resolution 02-16.
PUBLIC There were no public comments.
ASSEMBLY SHELTON thanked Teresa Usibelli and Mayor Talerico for
COMMENTS helping him as he is a newly elected official.
EVANS said he is looking forward to his time on the
Assembly and is happy to be here to help out.
SHIELDS thanking the Assembly for allowing her to attend the AML Conference in Valdez. She said she learned a lot!
MERCER said he would like to see the public comments section on the agenda moved up so the public can comment before the Assembly takes any action.
MICHAELS said based on the recent election, he is looking forward to the crowd that will be attending the next meeting.
NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Denali Borough Assembly will be
held on Wednesday, December 11, 2002. Work Session at 6:30 p.m., Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m., with the Regular meeting to follow.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:04 p.m.
Signed: ______________________________
Presiding Officer
Attest: _______________________________
Borough Clerk
Date Approved: January 8, 2003