of the Work Session
Borough Assembly
April 14,
ROLL CALL Assembly members present were: Sid Michaels, Jim
Caswell, Jerry Mueller, Gerald Pollock, Teresa Hall, Teresa Usibelli, David
Talerico and Mayor Gonzales. Assembly
members absent were Jim Payne and Carol Shields.
1.) Ordinance 01-07, Version A, an
ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, adding Chapter 22,
pertaining to business licenses.
USIBELLI asked why during the last meeting the Assembly
voted in favor of not requiring an Alaska Business License number on the
application. CASWELL spoke in favor of
not requiring that number. He said he
feels it is not necessary on a Borough application.
MICHAELS asked if the UPS delivery company would have to
have a Borough business license.
USIBELLI asked if the Borough would be liable if the Borough
issues a Borough license to someone who does not have a State business
Discussion followed, and Healy resident Gina Soltis said
State business license numbers are available on line.
2.) Ordinance 02-01, Version A, an
ordinance amending the Denali Borough Enabling Code, Title I, Chapter 4, Public
MICHAELS asked if the Assembly is planning to try and adopt
this ordinance today.
USIBELLI said this ordinance outlines what is not considered
a public record. She asked if MUELLER,
as sponsor of the ordinance, feels he has addressed all the items. USIBELLI asked if the Borough Attorney had
reviewed this document. MUELLER said
the Attorney had not reviewed this yet.
Healy resident, David Braun said he doesn’t like that some
decisions in this ordinance can made arbitrarily by the Mayor.
Discussion followed.
TALERICO stated that he went through the Mat-Su Borough’s
policy and it is very similar to this one.
He said he is pretty happy with this document.
3.) Discussion regarding the formation
of an ethics committee.
USIBELLI asked if everybody had a chance to review the two
pages she brought forth regarding a complaint form.
HALL was under the impression that this issue was sent to
the Personnel Committee. The Clerk
USIBELLI stated that it is a good form and it is a good way
for the public to be heard. HALL
reiterated her previous statement.
Denali Borough School District Superintendent Chris Hagar
said the form should not use the term person; the complaint should refer to a
situation instead.
MUELLER asked the Mayor if he would like to give his report
now instead of during the regular meeting.
Mayor Gonzales said he would not be presenting a report today.
SUPT. REPORT Chris Hagar gave a brief update based on his written
report. He said the new School District
Superintendent is Mr. Bob Whicker.
Hagar said the Usibelli Coal Mine lay offs may effect enrollment, but he
is expecting the Anderson School enrollment to increase. Cantwell School has completed its
accreditation ahead of schedule. He
said the Tri-Valley School had been broken into and the Troopers are
Peter Cubby, DBSD Maintenance Supervisor, gave the Assembly a brief overview of
his written report. The report provides
a breakdown of how Borough funds were spent from 1991 to 2001.
report also included the proposed major maintenance projects for the District
for 2003.
ADJOURNMENT MUELLER declared the work session
adjourned at 2:36 pm.
Attest: Approved: