Minutes of the Public Hearing

Denali Borough Assembly

Cantwell School

February 10, 2002


CALL TO ORDER    Presiding Officer Jerry Mueller called the public hearing to order at 3:00 pm.


ROLL CALL               Assembly members present were: Sid Michaels, Jim Caswell, Jerry Mueller, David Talerico, Teresa Usibelli, Jim Payne, Gerald Pollock, Carol Shields and Mayor Gonzales.  Assembly member Teresa Hall was absent.


1.)   Ordinance 01-07, Version A, an ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, adding Chapter 22, pertaining to business licenses.


There were no comments.


2.)   Ordinance 02-01, Version A, an ordinance amending the Denali Borough Enabling Code, Title I, Chapter 4, Public Records.


Healy resident David Braun said he has made numerous complaints about public access to public records.  He said the greater issue here, he feels, is that the Assembly has left relevant information out of their minutes, and that deceives the public.  He said during the December 9th meeting, Usibelli and other Assembly members said the a Charter amendment was not needed to change the makeup of the School Board, and this could happen by ordinance.  MUELLER asked Braun if this testimony is germane to this ordinance.  Braun said yes, and said Mr. Mueller said he had gone to the School Board with two plans to reapportion the school board seats, one by Charter, and one by ordinance.  The School Board had decided to reapportion themselves through changing the Charter.  Braun said that never happened, and the School Board never took that position, and that the public was denied access to those tapes until the minutes are approved by the Assembly.  Braun said MICHAELS said if pre-clearance was not received by the Department of Justice, then the election would not take place.  He said the minutes do not reflect either of these issues.  Braun said these issues should be in the minutes so the public knows those statement were made. 


ADJOURNMENT      MUELLER declared the Public Hearing adjourned at 3:04 pm.



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