Minutes of the Public Hearing

Denali Borough Assembly

Anderson City Council Chambers

March 10, 2002


CALL TO ORDER    Presiding Officer Jerry Mueller called the public hearing to order at 3:00 pm.


ROLL CALL               Assembly members present were: Sid Michaels, Jim Caswell, Jerry Mueller, Teresa Hall, Jim Payne, Gerald Pollock, Carol Shields and Mayor Gonzales.  Assembly members absent were Teresa Usibelli and David Talerico.


1.)   Ordinance 01-07, Version A, an ordinance amending the Denali Borough Code of Ordinances, adding Chapter 22, pertaining to business licenses.


There were no public comments.


2.)   Ordinance 02-01, Version A, an ordinance amending the Denali Borough Enabling Code, Title I, Chapter 4, Public Records.


MUELLER asked Mr. Braun, Mrs. Winklmann, and Mr. Winklmann if they would like to comment, as they had signed up to speak during this section of the meeting.  All three declined to comment.


ADJOURNMENT      MUELLER declared the Public Hearing adjourned at 3:03 pm.



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