of the Public Hearing
Borough Assembly
17, 2002
ROLL CALL Assembly members present were: Jim Caswell, Jerry
Mueller, Gerald Pollock, Teresa Hall, Teresa Usibelli, Sid Michaels, Carol
Shields and Mayor Talerico.
1.) Temporary Land Use application procedure.
Baxter Mercer stated that there has been a lot of work put
into this. Mercer asked what land the
Denali Borough has authority to.
Gail Pieknik, Land Use Technician, stated that we could
grant temporary land use permits to land that we have management authority
John Miner, Land Use Planning Committee Member, stated that
the Denali Borough has been granted patent to over 13,000 acres of land. He stated that there is a significantly
larger amount of land that is tentatively conveyed to the Denali Borough. He stated that he agrees that this is a
cumbersome issue. He said that the
committee has been working on the application for several months. He stated that the borough has some
obligation to insure that we are not throwing away the future of the
Borough. Minor stated the real issue is
that we are dealing with a president.
declared the Public Hearing adjourned at 3:10 pm.
Attest: Approved: _______________________
Date Approved: January
8, 2003